Here is the June 07 report on the rebuild of BL628 the Spitfire V.
The paint job is the dominant job this month. A number of smaller components have been finish coated including the flaps, radiator boat, ailerons etc. Both main planes have had the underside colour applied and we are about to apply the camouflage colours to the top side. The fuselage has been fully prepared for undercoating and will receive it first coats in the next week or so.
Good progress has also been made this month on the engine cowls. We have mostly completed the side cowls and have installed the new fasteners to them. The forward lower cowl is progressing with the main skin welding complete and the edge doublers also made. The rear section cannot be completed till after the wings are fitted.
We have completed the flame proof bulkhead that separates the cockpit from the fuel tank bay and this is now painted and ready to install.
The clock has been overhauled this month as has the replacement directional indicator and this has been fitted to the blind flying panel. The throttle quadrant has also been completed and is now installed in the cockpit.
The radio installation is almost complete. The dummy map case is complete and all the wiring finished and we have tested the operation of the unit. We will paint the box and can finally install the radios.
We have completed the cockpit door modifications and overhauled the latch assembly, painted the door inside and applied the stencil to the inside.
We have continued with the canopy frame and quick release equipment. We have fabricated the release bars and spring attach plates and will shortly rebate the bubble and assemble the hood.
We have finished the overhaul of the radio channel selector and this is now fitted. The same goes for the gun sight mount frame which is also installed as work begins on the GPS mount.