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Work has continued on the elevators and ailerons this month and all the paint is off the fuselage.

The coolant header tank has been completed this month. The original tank required complete dis-assembly and rebuild, along with the fabrication of new mounting brackets. All the soldered joints were taken apart and the components cleaned de-corroded and inspected and the complete unit assembled with fresh joints at each junction. The tank then underwent a submerged pressure tested to 50PSI.

Work continues on the elevators with almost all of the reconstruction completed. New components have been fabricated for the hinge blocks, trim tab hinge mounts, and main operating horn. Repairs have been made to the tips with new skin sections fabricated and multiple repairs carried out to rib assemblies. The main spar and leading edge skins have been panel beaten into line and corrosion treated then alodine dipped and primed and are mounted in the jig with the hinge blocks fitted. Work continues on the rib repairs and final assy will begin shortly.

The machined fittings required for the aileron rebuild have been completed and assembly of the aileron is well underway. The leading edge assy. with the spar, leading edge skin and all the nose ribs has been assembled, and the main ribs have all been attached to the spar. The hinge block and outboard hinge fork have been fitted and the unit has been pinned together and mounted on the wing to check the alignment. Final riveting will be completed in the next week.

The fuselage has now been stripped internally. The paint and primer that were used proved extremely difficult to remove, but we have managed to get it all off, and can now start to repaint with the correct color and sheen. Some of the cockpit equipment that requires overhaul has been completed and is ready for re-installation. The main aileron cable drum sectors have been re-manufactured and the unit re-assembled.

The new skin and mounting bracketry for the top fuel tank have all been completed and the tank has been trial assembled. The metal components are away being cadmium plated and the tank can be finally assembled and sealed when those components are back.

Good progress this month on the engine mount structure. The newly fabricated plates for the main bulkhead have come back from heat treatment and we have been able to put all the components together for a trial assembly. We need to fabricate replacement spacer blocks for where the main tubes pass thru the bulkhead and we have the material in stock for that now.

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