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The scratch built baggage door has been completed. The components returned from heat treatment, and the skins were joined together and the new latch assy. fitted to the door. The striker assembly and protective lip plate have also been installed.

The main focus has been continued work on the top cowl. Following the completion of the top skin reforming, work has been devoted to the manufacture of the doubler strips and the fabrication of the phenolic rubbing strips that were incorporated in this type of cowl. A very thin strip of phenolic sheet was sandwiched into the cowl assembly to provide anti fretting protection for the rails. This detail is often left of restorations, but we feel it adds a nice touch of originality to the cowls and assists with the longevity of the assembly.

We have drilled off the top rails and trial fitted them. We have sorted all the various spacers for these rails also and bored the holes for the Dzus fastener receptacles. We have fabricated new front mount steel doublers as well as filler pieces at the air intake. New rear mount assemblies and the supports for those have also been fabricated along with the rear top hat section that bridges the two mounts. Further work has been done re-profiling the doubler plates that form the forward edge of the cowls and seat on the front dishpan.

We will continue with the cowl construction this coming month.

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