Here is the September 2009 report on our work on the Mosquito.

 With the hydraulic tank all complete we have finished the attach straps and mounted the support cradle into the rear fuselage in the area immediately behind the wing.

 Work is continuing nicely on the nacelles and we are well into the rear section of the right hand unit now.  The structure is all in place and the right lower skin and top rear panel have both been completed and the lower section is riveted in place.

We have fabricated and assembled the main wing fuel tank straps and these are now painted and ready for installation in the wings.  There are 10 fuel tanks in total.

We have received the new manufacture rudder and elevator cables and these have now been installed and rigged in both the elevator and rudder systems.  The cables run through the lower bomb bay area before attaching to the differential and counter weight assembly.  From there more cables travel back to the surfaces themselves. We will fit these rear cables next month.

Charles Darby has supplied us with the original radio components.  They will require a bit of a tidy up, but in general they are not too bad.  They will certainly add quite a bit of authenticity to the cockpit area.


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