Here is the October 2010 report on our work on the Mosquito.

We have continued work on the rebuild of the main gear doors and the right hand doors are now complete. There is some work to be done on both sets relating to the bungee installation inside the doors, and this can be completed when the doors are hanging and the gear is in place. We have continued with the with the main windscreen installation. The glass is now permanently fitted and work is continuing on the closing strips and the armour plate detailing on the upper nose section. The pieces are all made and will be fitted in the next week or so. We have refurbished an original brake valve operating cable, proof tested the inner and installed this along with the brake valve onto the cockpit floor structure. We have fabricated the pipework and fitted the control pushrod that is operated by the rudder bar. We have temporarily installed the R/H radiator structure in place to allow the front to allow the front spar hydraulic/pneumatic pipework to continue out to the R/H engine. We have also determined the alignment of the gun heating box and radiator tray fuselage end rib attachment brackets and have drilled off the brackets. The windscreen wiper gearbox has been assembled and we have made a template to measure the sweep of the arm as per the service manual. We have fitted the gearbox to the forward cockpit coaming below the windscreen. We have cleaned up the camera mount and cad plated the steel parts then fitted it into the nose cone.

We have installed the plywood packing blocks under the navigators floor for the windscreen de-ice tank pipe-work. We have installed the tank along with the supply and vent lines. We have plumbed the pump and prepared the original spray bar for installation.

We have continued with the plumbing of the engine nacelles. The main gear retracting lines have been run from the firewall back through the nacelle and are ready for the termination and hose end supports. We have cleaned up and installed the pipe clamps that mount to the radiator support structure on the front spar. We have fabricated the air bottle straps and clamping equipment for them along with trial fitting the bottle mounts to the rear fuselage.

We have prepped painted and installed the R/H engine accessory hoop that mounts to the top engine bearer and carries the pipework across the rear of the engine.

We have installed the centre bomb switch panel after riveting the new placards in place.

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