1. We have re-assembled the air regulator valve, bench tested it and set the relief valve. We have also done the pressure reducing and maintaining valves and bench tested them also. Vacuum non return valves radiator flap ram junction blocks and other junction blocks disassembled, cleaned, inspected and reassembled. Components trial fitted to the new wooden mount panel. Pipework is still to be done.
2. 20mm cannon steel casing and link eject chutes refurbished. One pair of chutes fabricated from panel steel using patterns from Glyn. .303 machine gun shell casing and link eject chutes refurbished. Felt sealing strips replaced.
3. Rudder control system components being rebuilt. The control rod and the control cable pulley mount from the aft fuselage are both being remade due to corrosion of the steel tubes. The fork ends on the control rod are being reused and the tube is being replaced with new stock.
4. The tailplane attachment fittings and support tubes are also being refurbished. The internal reinforcing brackets and washer plates are being tidied up or replaced as necessary and all the useable hardware is being plated.
5. Rubber seal retaining strips for the fuselage access doors fabricated from new sheet material using the twisted and bent originals for patterns. At this stage the panels are cut oversize and will be finished around the outside when we get the fuselage.
6. This month we have begun the wiring in earnest. We have refurbished all of the serviceable plugs and sockets and have begun the loom fabrication and box wiring. Some looms can be made completely on the bench, but others will only be able to be completed once the components are fitted to the fuselage.
7. Overhaul of the elevator trim actuator has begun on a unit supplied by Glyn. All of the components are going to be salvageable and we are fitting new bearings and having the steel components re-plated.
The work this month has been mainly on the bomb and gun door installation. This work has had to be left till now because the fuse support jig prevented closing the doors. Now that it is on the transport trolley it is possible to swing the doors closed and work on the fitment of them. The doors have all been hung and work has been done on the closing/mating faces to ensure a good fit.
Work has progressed on the vertical fin and the last skin has been attached and now only requires trimming and final sanding.
The canopy and windscreen assembly has been trial fitted and the woodwork that supports the windscreen where it sits on the fuselage and meets the top of the dash board has been built up to the glass. Also as part of this is the wiper motor mount and gearbox mount.
The rear bulkhead is now all permanently fixed in place and the attach bolts fitted and glued.
We hope to bring it down to the airport next week.