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1. We have completed the paintwork on the wing. The fuel tank bays have been sprayed in white, and the engine bays, gear wells and top of the wing and leading edge section are all in cockpit green now. With the paintwork finished we have been able to begin installing the attachment fittings for the fuselage and engines, as well as start applying the bonding strip.

2. Work continues on the left aileron. Assembly has begun now that the leading edge skins have either been repaired or replaced new. We should finish the assembly next month and move onto the trim tab.

3. We have continued on the nacelle rebuilds and have completed all we can do on these until we are able to mount the flaps to the wings. We have trial fitted the assemblies into the flaps on the bench, and are happy with the layout, but cannot complete any more until the flaps are on the wings.



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