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Here is the July 2009 report on our work on the Mosquito.

Work has continued on the nacelle rebuilds with the structure overhaul complete and the fabrication of the new side skins well under way. The port unit has had the skins wheeled into shape drilled for the rivets and countersunk. They have been painted inside and fitted in place and riveting has begun. We will complete the riveting on this side then start the stbd side before we begin the rear sections of either side.

We have moved some attention to the rudder and elevator control systems and begun by rebuilding the rudder cable guide tubes that mount onto the side of the fuselage in the rear compartment. Associated with this has been the decision to complete the pitot static plumbing on the fin and ready it for final installation. We have tested the patio and reworked the fin fairings and now the fin is in the paint shop.

We have continued the work on the throttle control torque tubes and the machined fittings have been completed and assembled to the firewalls.

We have sent the second engine to Vintage V12’s but not before we removed it from it’s engine mount assembly. We have left as much as possible still attached to the mount. We built a stand and crate and the engine is now in CA.

We have begun stripping electrical conduit and junction box components from the old wing to restore.

We have rebuilt/remade a new hydraulic tank using the original as a pattern. The original vegetable based oil had rotted the bottom out of the tank. The new oil is mineral based and there won’t be a problem like this again.




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