Mosquito Progress February 2005

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Here is the first report on our work on the Mosquito. Very exciting stuff and a thrill for all those involved.

1. We have removed the metal fittings and fixtures from the remains of the fuselage gun/bomb bay area and rear most bulkheads #6 and #7. Items removed include hinge assemblies, stringer to bulkhead brackets, fin, tailplane, tailwheel attachment fittings and rudder controls etc.

2. The removed components have been paint stripped, treated for light corrosion as required, alodine immersion and epoxy primer painted. The steel brackets and hardware items have been grit blasted in preparation for cadmium electroplating.

3. Various sub assemblies ( fin attachment plates etc) were de-riveted, treated for light corrosion as required, plates replaced as necessary, alodine immersed, primer painted and re-assembled.

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