Mosquito Progress February 2005

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Here is the Feb 2005 report on our work on the Mosquito. We have completed a lot of parts this month and gathered some good information that might help in assessing the times.

1. We have repaired the nose cone assembly. The cone was completely de-riveted. Skins frames and doublers paint stripped. Skins hammered and wheeled back into shape. 1 skin joining strip replaced. Holes insert patch repair. Centre cover plate hammered back into shape. Steel cross tube, gun spouts x 4 and gun camera spout bead blasted and cad plated. Nose cone reassembled and primer painted. Nose cone anchor nut strip refurbished. Nose cone closing strip for machine gun covers straightened.

2. Fin. Removed steel fittings, rudder hinge blocks, pitot tube and attachment plates from Wooden structure. Paint strip and inspect attach plates. De-rivet, de-corrode die penetrant crack test, prime and re-rivet then top coat silver. Steel brackets bead blasted and cad plated. Rudder hinge blocks re-furbished. Inspection door re-furbished. Some finishing still required.

3. Cannon bay cover panel. Removal of doubler plates and rings for access panel from Wooden structure forward of gun bay panel. Straighten and inspect doubler plates then prime. Fabricate new access panel and doubler ring and associated brackets for the inspection assy.

4. Removal of fittings and fixtures from fuselage section bulkheads 3 and 4. Oxygen bottle racks wing attach fitting washer plates, wing to fuse centre line fitting, bulkhead to floor angles, avionic racks, tank strap fittings etc.

5. Removal of items from cockpit section. Armour plate flight controls, pulley brackets, various items bolted to floor and underneath structure.

6. Overhaul rudder trim jack. Make one serviceable out of two units. Strip and clean and replace bearings.

7. Completion of the following overhauls, rudder control spring strut and static mass balance. Angle brackets for bomb gun bay. Fuselage wing attach fittings. Fit new bearings to gun/bomb bay hinges and rudder control system items on bulkhead 6.Repair dzus fastener angles for attachment of tailcone fairing and bulkhead 7. Dis-assembly and repair of rear fuselage door latches. Overhaul of machine gun cover catches. Overhaul of fuselage oil and hydraulic tank mounting brackets and straps. Re-bushing of rear fuselage access door hinges.


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